If you want to send audio files or recordings for upload here is the format the system supports for Phrases and Music On Hold .
.MP3 format (Stereo Quality)
REMINDER: You need to be registered at help.gridare.com before you can send the file(s) to us. If you are not yet a registered user please follow the instructions below.
NOTE: Check the email you registered on the site to confirm your activation request. Once confirmed; you can login using your registered email and the password that you created.
FYI: Regarding audio quality; both Phrases and Voicemail are down sampled by the system to make it just right to work with VoIP as for the Music On Hold it retains the original format however when it comes out of your ip phone or softphone it is compressed for VoIP audio. This is in general for all VoIP services and not just Gridare because phone calls are not 128 Kbps with 44.1 KHz Stereo Quality; it is only a standard requirement for system upload to avoid poor audio quality.