We value our clients and we'd be sorry to see you go. Sometimes clients think they need to close the account because they don't know how to solve a problem. Before you decide to close your account with Gridare, we'd like to help you solve any problem you might be having.
Do you need to solve a problem with your account?
Are you having a problem with your phone?
Is there anything else we can do to help you?
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us at 1800 10 21 10 (option 1).
Cancelling Your Account
Here's how to close your Gridare account:
1. Login to help.gridare.com.
To login, the account holder needs to be registered using the authorized email address.
If not yet registered, click link on How to register to Gridare Ticketing System.
2. Submit a ticket
Once registered, you can now submit a ticket.
Simply write down your Gridare account number (e.g G1234) and the request for cancellation as well as the the reason why you are cancelling.
Click Link on How to submit a ticket to Gridare Ticketing System.
3. Wait for a response from the Gridare team to finalize the cancellation.
Please note that once an account is closed, any phone number listed on the account will be deleted.